
How To Dispute An Error On Your Credit Report

Quick-what’s your credit score? As a financially responsible individual, you should be checking your credit on a regular basis. You can do this by signing up for free credit monitoring on a reputable website like, requesting your annual complimentary credit report from and reviewing your monthly credit card statements. If all goes well, […]

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401(k) Plans And Your Retirement

Any sensible retirement planning strategy starts with a target number. This number is how much you need to have saved for living comfortably and independently throughout your retirement. A good rule of thumb is to take your current living expenses and multiply that by 400. That’s how much you’d need to have to sustain yourself […]

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Job Seekers Beware: ‘Repacking’ Jobs Could Lead To Jail Time!

We keep hearing the economy is improving, but that news rings hollow for many Americans. Long-term unemployment is still a reality for a million people. They’re isolated and increasingly desperate, making them a perfect target for cyber-criminals. The Better Business Bureau has reported a creative breed of cyber-crime that turns innocent people into accessories in […]

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How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps

How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps Who needs a budget anyway? If you’re always wondering how you’re going to pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats and you can’t seem to find money to put into savings, then you probably need a budget. A budget is not […]

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19 Reasons To Create And Stick To A Budget

1.    You’ll spend less. 2.    You’ll always have enough for fixed expenses. 3.    You’ll argue less about discretionary spending. 4.    You’ll save more. 5.    You’ll have money for fluctuating expenses. 6.    You’ll feel more in control of your finances. 7.    You’ll be motivated to increase your earning potential. 8.    You’ll feel less guilt about impulse purchases that are within your budget. 9.    You’ll feel […]

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Zombie Debt – What It Is And How To Fight It

Q: My spouse and I filed for bankruptcy several years ago, hoping to start fresh. We’ve been living within our means and haven’t had so much as a late payment. Yet, when we applied for a home equity loan, we got turned down! The financier said our debt utilization ratio was too high, but we […]

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8 Creative Ways to Save on Heating Costs this Winter

8 Creative Ways to Save on Heating Costs this Winter Q: I just got my first wintertime heating bill and I’m reeling. I’ve sealed all leaky windows and I’ve replaced the weather stripping around my doors, but my bill is still astronomical. Short of hibernating until spring, is there anything I can do to keep […]

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Beware The Fake Check Scam Targeting College Students

Beware The Fake Check Scam Targeting College Students Making the transition from high school to college isn’t easy. You need to deal with a whole new set of rules, adapt to dorm life and get to know your new classmates, teachers and roommates. Then there’s the financial aspect: applying for financial aid, grants and scholarships; […]

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9 Germy Places To Avoid (Or Disinfect) This Winter

As Old Man Winter settles in for his yearly stay, it’s time to brush up on your disinfecting smarts. Cold and flu viruses can fly up to six feet through the air, says Joseph Rubino, former director of microbiology at RB, the creators of Lysol. Harmful bacteria and viruses can lurk in places you’d never […]

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All You Need To Know About Applying For FAFSA

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) season is in full swing! Whether you’re a college student, a high school senior or you’re seeking financial aid for your college-age child, it’s time to fill out those forms. The rules and deadlines can be confusing, but we’re here to help. We have answered all your questions […]

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