Ending Hunger

Maine CUs’ Annual Campaign for Ending Hunger

More than 40% of Maine kids under the age of 12 show some evidence of hunger

Statistics on Hunger in Maine

  • 68,950 Maine children are food insecure
  • New data shows that 15% of Maine households, representing 200,000 people, experience food insecurity.  Maine ranks 13th in the nation in food insecurity and first in New England.  In addition, a new report from the Good Shepherd Food Bank found that nearly 40,000 people a week were being provided with food assistance from one of its 640 member agencies.  This is double what was originally estimated.
  • Hunger and the risk of hunger are widespread among Maine’s low-income families with children
  • The likelihood of experiencing hunger or the risk of hunger is directly related to income
  • Children living in households which experienced hunger or the risk of hunger are more likely to experience health or school-related problems.
  • Several groups are found to be at greater risk of hunger in Maine; children, adults in low income families, disabled persons, persons with special needs, the elderly, those living in rural regions and the inner cities of Maine’s largest urban places.
  • Several factors contribute to hunger in Maine; including income growth that is outpaced by cost of living; high level of underemployment; widening gap between rich and poor; illiteracy; and lack of consumer information on nutrition.

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