
May 19, 1960: The Mattanawcook Federal Credit Union was organized for the employees of Standard Packaging. The first office space for the credit union was donated by Standard Packaging.

February 1966: The Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union was organized. The office was located in the home of its treasurer, Ariel Edwards.

June 1966: The Mattanawcook Federal Credit Union was forced to seek larger quarters. A lot at 8 Taylor Street was purchased.

September 1966: The Mattanawcook Federal Credit Union was moved to 8 Mechanic Street and occupied the building that has since become an historical landmark as the first school house in town.

June 1967: The firm of Eaton Tarbell and Associates was selected to construct a new building on the lot at 8 Taylor Street for the Mattanawcook Federal Credit Union.

March 1968: Building plans were stopped when Standard Packaging closed its doors. In order to preserve credit union membership for Standard Packaging employees, the Mattanawcook Federal Credit Union was merged into the Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union.

February 1969: The need for more space again became a topic of discussion.

March 1970: The Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union begins to operate out of a new building at 8 Taylor Street.

September 1988: With more space needed once again, a lot is purchased on Outer West Broadway.

June 1990: The Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union signs a contract with Haskell Lumber Co. to construct a 2,400 square foot facility on the lot on outer West Broadway.

December 4, 1990: Furniture and equipment is moved from 8 Taylor Street to West Broadway without mishap despite a snow storm and heavy rains.

December 5, 1990: The Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union begins to operate out of its new facility on West Broadway.

January 13, 1991: The Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union has its open house.